Monday 13 July 2015

Govind Damodar Madhabeti

*Kararvinde na padarvindam

mukhar vinde vinve shayantam
vatasya patrasya pute shayanam
balam mukundam mansa smarami

His lotus-mouth. I remember the infant Mukunda, Who sleeps inside a hollow Banyan leaf and Who by His lotus-hands, is putting His lotus-feet in 

*shree krishna Govind hare murari

hey nath Narayana Vasudeva
jihve pibasva murutame tadev
Govind Damodar madhaveti
Govind Damodar madhaveti

"Shri Krishna! Govinda! Hari! Murari! O Lord, Narayana, Vasudeva!" O tongue, please drink only this nectar--"Govinda, Damodara, Madhava!" 

*Vikretu kamakil gop kanya
murari padarpit chitta vritthi
dadhyaadikam moh vashad vochad
Govind damodar madhaveti

Though desiring to sell milk, dahi, butter, etc., the mind of a young gopi was so absorbed in the lotus feet of Krishna that instead of calling out "Milk for sale," she bewilderedly said, "Govinda!", Damodara!", and "Madhava!" 

*Gruhe gruhe Gop vadhu kadamba
sarve militwa sam vapya yogam
punyani namani pathanti nityam
Govind Damodar Madhaveti

In house after house, groups of cowherd ladies gather on various occasions, and together they always chant the transcendental names of Krishna--"Govinda, Damodara, and Madhava." 

*Sukham Shayanam nilaye nijepi
namani vishnuh pravadanti martyaha
te nicshitam tanmayatam vrajanti 
Govind Damodar madhaveti  

Even the ordinary mortals comfortably seated at home who chant the names of Vishnu, "Govinda, Damodara," and "Madhava," certainly attain (at least) the liberation of having a form similar to that of the Lord. 

*Jihave sadaivan bhajsundarani
namani Krishnasya manoharani
samasta bhaktarti veenashani
Govind Damodar madhaveti

O my tongue, just always worship these beautiful, enchanting names of Krishna, "Govinda, Damodara," and "Madhava," which destroy all the obstacles of the devotees. 

*sukhavasami idmev saram
sukhavasane idmev gneyam
deha vasane idmev japyam
Govind Damodar Madhhaveti

This indeed is the essence (found) upon ceasing the affairs of mundane happiness. And this too is to be sung after the cessation of all sufferings. This alone is to be chanted at the time of death of one's material body--"Govinda, Damodara, Madhava!"

*Shree Krishna Radhavar var gokulam
Gopal Govardhan nath vishnuh
Jihve Pibasva mrutame tadev
Govind damodar madhaveti

O tongue, drink only this nectar (of the names), "Shri Krishna, dearmost of Shrimati Radharani, Lord of Gokula, Gopala, Lord of Govardhana, Vishnu, Govinda, Damodara," and "Madhava." 

*Tvameva yache mam dehi jihave
samagte dand dhare krutante
vaktvya mevam madhuram subhakta
Govind damodar madhaveti

O my tongue, you are fond of sweet things and are of discriminating taste; I tell you the highest truth, which is also the most beneficial. Please just recite these sweet syllables: "Govinda," "Damodara," and "Madhava." 

*Jihve rasagne madhur priya twam
satyam hitam tvam parmam vadami
aavarana yetha madhuraksharani
Govind Damodar Madhaveti 

O my tongue, I ask only this of you, that at my meeting the bearer of the sceptre of chastisement (Yamaraja), you will utter this sweet phrase with great devotion: "Govinda, Damodara, Madhava!" 

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