Friday, 21 August 2015

Radha kripa kataksha.........

हिमाद्रिजा–पुलोमजा–विरिञ्चजा-वरप्रदे ।
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥११॥
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||11||
O goddess worshiped by Brahma, O goddess to whom countless millions of Vaishnavas bow down, O goddess who give blessings to Parvati, shaci, and Sarasvati, O goddess whose toenails are anointed with limitless opulence's and mystic perfections, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

मखेश्वरि क्रियेश्वरि स्वधेश्वरि सुरेश्वरि
त्रिवेद–भारतीश्वरि प्रमाण–शासनेश्वरि ।
रमेश्वरि क्षमेश्वरि प्रमोद–काननेश्वरि
व्रजेश्वरि व्रजाधिपे श्रीराधिके नमो˜स्तु ते ॥१२॥
makheśvari kriyeśvari svadheśvari sureśvari
triveda-bhāratīśvari pramāṇa-śāsaneśvari
rameśvari kṣameśvari pramoda kānaneśvari
vrajeśvari vrajādhipe śrī rādhike namo ’stu te ||12||
O queen of Vedic sacrifices, O queen of pious activities, O queen of the material world, O queen of the demigods, O queen of Vedic scholarship, O queen of knowledge, O queen of the goddesses of fortune, O queen of patience, O queen of Vrindavana, the forest of happiness, O queen of Vraja, O empress of Vraja, O Sri Radhika, obeisance's to You!

इती ममद्भुतं-स्तवं निशम्य भानुनन्दिनी
करोतु सन्ततं जनं कृपाकटाक्ष-भाजनम् ।
भवेत्तदैव सञ्चित त्रिरूप–कर्म नाशनं
लभेत्तदा व्रजेन्द्र–सूनु–मण्डल–प्रवेशनम् ॥१३॥
itī mam adbhutaṁ-stavaṁ niśamya bhānu-nandinī
karotu santataṁ janaṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam
bhavet tadaiva-sañcita-tri-rūpa-karma-nāśanaṁ
bhavet tadā-vrajendra-sūnu-maṇḍala-praveśanam ||13||
Upon hearing this most astonishing prayer of mine being recited by a devotee, may Sri Vrishhabhanu-nandini constantly make him the object of Her most merciful sidelong glance. At that time all his karmic reactions - whether mature, fructifying, or lying in seed - will be completely destroyed, and then he will gain entrance into the assembly of Nandanandana's eternal loving associates.

राकायां च सिताष्टम्यां दशम्यां च विशुद्धधीः ।
एकादश्यां त्रयोदश्यां यः पठेत्साधकः सुधीः ॥१४॥
यं यं कामयते कामं तं तमाप्नोति साधकः ।
राधाकृपाकटाक्षेण भक्तिःस्यात् प्रेमलक्षणा ॥१५॥
rākāyāṁ ca sitāṣṭamyāṁ daśamyāṁ ca viśuddha-dhīḥ |
ekādaśyāṁ trayodaśyāṁ yaḥ paṭhet sādhakaḥ sudhīḥ ||14||

yaṁ yaṁ kāmayate kāmaṁ taṁ tamāpnoti sādhakaḥ |
rādhā-kṛpā-kaṭākṣeṇa bhaktiḥ syāt prema-lakṣaṇā ||15||
If a sadhaka with purified intelligence recites this stava with a fixed mind on the lunar days known as the full-moon day, the bright ashtami, the dashami, the ekadashi, and the trayodashi, then each and every one of his desires will be fulfilled, one by one. And by the merciful sidelong glance of Shri Radha he will obtain devotional service that has the special symptom of being imbued with pure, ecstatic love of God (prema).

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

radha kripa kataksha.....

मृणाल-वाल-वल्लरी तरङ्ग-रङ्ग-दोर्लते
लताग्र–लास्य–लोल–नील–लोचनावलोकने ।
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥७॥

mṛṇāla-vāla-vallarī taraṅga-raṅga-dor-late
lalal-lulan-milan-manojña mugdha-mohanāśrite
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||7||

O goddess whose arms are lotus stalks dancing on the waves, O goddess whose dark eyes are dancing vines, O playful, beautiful, charming goddess, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

सुवर्णमलिकाञ्चित –त्रिरेख–कम्बु–कण्ठगे
त्रिसूत्र–मङ्गली-गुण–त्रिरत्न-दीप्ति–दीधिते ।
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥८॥

salola-nīla-kuntala prasūna-guccha-gumphite
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||8||

O goddess who wear a golden necklace on the three-lined conchshell of Your neck, O goddess splendid with three jasmine garlands and three jewelled necklaces, O goddess whose moving locks of dark hair are decorated with bunches of flowers, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

प्रशस्तरत्न-किङ्किणी-कलाप-मध्य मञ्जुले ।
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥९॥

praśasta-ratna-kiṅkiṇī-kalāpa-madhya mañjule
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||9||

O goddess who wear a sash of flowers on Your curved hips, O goddess charming with a sash of tinkling jewelled Bells, O goddess whose beautiful thighs punish the regal elephant's trunk, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

अनेक–मन्त्रनाद–मञ्जु नूपुरारव–स्खलत्
समाज–राजहंस–वंश–निक्वणाति–गौरवे ।
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥१०॥

kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||10||

O goddess whose anklets' tinkling is more beautiful than the sounds of many mantras and the cooing of many regal swans, O goddess whose graceful motions mock the moving golden vines, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

Friday, 24 July 2015

Radha kripa kataksha.......

तडित्–सुवर्ण–चम्पक –प्रदीप्त–गौर–विग्रहे
मुख–प्रभा–परास्त–कोटि–शारदेन्दुमण्डले ।
विचित्र-चित्र सञ्चरच्चकोर-शाव-लोचने
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥४॥
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||4||
O goddess whose form is as splendid as champaka flowers, gold, and lightning, O goddess whose face eclipses millions of autumn moons, O goddess whose eyes are wonderful, restless young chakora birds, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

मदोन्मदाति–यौवने प्रमोद–मान–मण्डिते
प्रियानुराग–रञ्जिते कला–विलास – पण्डिते ।
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥५॥
madonmadāti-yauvane pramoda-māna-maṇḍite
priyānurāga-rañjite kalā-vilāsa-paṇḍite
ananya-dhanya-kuñja-rājya-kāma keli-kovide
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||5||
O young girl intoxicated with passion, O goddess decorated with cheerful jealous anger, O goddess who passionately love Your beloved Krishna, O goddess learned in playful arts, O goddess expert at enjoying amorous pastimes in the kingdom of the peerlessly opulent forest groves of Vrindavana, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

प्रभूतशातकुम्भ–कुम्भकुम्भि–कुम्भसुस्तनि ।
प्रशस्तमन्द–हास्यचूर्ण पूर्णसौख्य –सागरे
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥६॥
prabhūta-śāta-kumbha-kumbha-kumbhi kumbha-sustani
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||6|
O goddess decorated with a pearl necklace of bold amorous hints, O goddess as fair as gold, O goddess whose breasts are great golden waterpots, O ocean of happiness filled with the scented powders of gentle smiles, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

To be countinued....

Monday, 20 July 2015

Shri Radha Kripa Kataksha....

मुनीन्द्र–वृन्द–वन्दिते त्रिलोक–शोक–हारिणि
प्रसन्न-वक्त्र-पण्कजे निकुञ्ज-भू-विलासिनि
व्रजेन्द्र–भानु–नन्दिनि व्रजेन्द्र–सूनु–संगते
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥१॥
munīndra-vṛnda-vandite triloka-śoka-hāriṇi
prasanna-vaktra-paṇkaje nikuñja-bhū-vilāsini
vrajendra-bhānu-nandini vrajendra-sūnu-saṅgate
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||1||

O goddess worshiped by the kings of sages, O goddess who remove the sufferings of the three worlds, O goddess whose face is a blossoming lotus, O goddess who enjoy pastimes in the forest, O daughter of Vrishhabhanu, O companion of Vraja's prince, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

अशोक–वृक्ष–वल्लरी वितान–मण्डप–स्थिते
प्रवालबाल–पल्लव प्रभारुणांघ्रि–कोमले ।
वराभयस्फुरत्करे प्रभूतसम्पदालये
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥२॥
pravāla-vāla-pallava prabhā ’ruṇāṅghri-komale
varābhaya-sphurat-kare prabhūta-sampadālaye
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||2||

O goddess staying in a vine-cottage by an ashoka tree, O goddess whose delicate feet are as splendid as red blossoms, O goddess whose hand grants fearlessness, O abode of transcendental opulence's, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

अनङ्ग-रण्ग मङ्गल-प्रसङ्ग-भङ्गुर-भ्रुवां
सविभ्रमं ससम्भ्रमं दृगन्त–बाणपातनैः ।
निरन्तरं वशीकृतप्रतीतनन्दनन्दने
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥३॥
sa-vibhramaṁ sa-sambhramaṁ dṛganta-bāṇa-pātanaiḥ
nirantaraṁ vaśī-kṛta-pratīti-nanda-nandane
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||3||

O goddess who, playfully shooting the arrows of Your glances from the curved bows of Your auspicious, amorous eyebrows, have completely subdued Nanda's son [Krishna], when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

- Kuśakratha dāsa

To be continued......

Friday, 17 July 2015

Gita Gyan: Krishna kripa kataksha ||

Gita Gyan: Krishna kripa kataksha ||: भुवो भरावतारकं भवाब्धिकर्णधारकं यशोमतीकिशोरकं नमामि चित्तचोरकम् | दृगन्तकान्तभंगिनं सदा सदालिसंगिनं दिने दिने नवं नवं नमामि नन्दसम्भवम् ...

Krishna kripa kataksha ||

भुवो भरावतारकं भवाब्धिकर्णधारकं
यशोमतीकिशोरकं नमामि चित्तचोरकम् |
दृगन्तकान्तभंगिनं सदा सदालिसंगिनं
दिने दिने नवं नवं नमामि नन्दसम्भवम् || ५ ||
 I offer my respectful obeisances to the milk-thief Lord Krsna, who removed the earth's burden, who is the captain of the ship to cross the ocean of birth and death, and who is Yasoda's teenage son. I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Krsna, who is Nanda's son, who casts crooked glances from the corners of His eyes, who always stays with the gopis, and who day after day enjoys newer and newer pastimes.
गुणाकरं सुखाकरं कृपाकरं कृपापरं
सुरद्विषन्निकन्दनं नमामि गोपनन्दनम् |
नवीनगोपनागरं नवीनकेलिलम्पटं
नमामि मेघसुन्दरं तडित्प्रभालसत्पटम् || ६ ||
 I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Krsna, who is a jewel-mine of transcendental qualities, a jewel-mine of transcendental bliss, a jewel-mine of mercy, who defeats the demigods' enemies, and who delights the cowherd people. I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Krsna, who is a young hero of the cowherd people, who is a playful young rake, who is handsome and dark like a monsoon cloud, and whose yellow garments glisten like lightning.
समस्तगोपनन्दनं हृदम्बुजैकमोदनं
नमामि कुंजमध्यगं प्रसन्नभानुशोभनम् |
निकामकामदायकं दृगन्तचारुसायकं
रसालवेणुगायकं नमामि कुंजनायकम् || ७ ||
 I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Krsna, who delights all the cowherd people, who charms the devotees' lotus-hearts, who stays in forest groves, and who is splendid like a glistening sun. I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Krsna, who fulfills all desires, whose sidelong glances are charming arrows, whose flute music is nectar, and who is the amorous hero of the forest groves.
नमामि कुंजकानने प्रव्रद्धवन्हिपायिनम् |
किशोरकान्तिरंजितं दृअगंजनं सुशोभितं
गजेन्द्रमोक्षकारिणं नमामि श्रीविहारिणम् || ८ ||
I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Krsna, who reclines on the charming couch of the wise gopis' hearts, and who drank up a forest fire in Munjatavi forest. I pray that whenever and however I sing His glories, Lord Krsna will be merciful to me.
यदा तदा यथा तथा तथैव कृष्णसत्कथा
मया सदैव गीयतां तथा कृपा विधीयताम् |
प्रमाणिकाष्टकद्वयं जपत्यधीत्य यः पुमान
भवेत्स नन्दनन्दने भवे भवे सुभक्तिमान || ९ ||
 I pray that whoever reads or recites these eight prayers will be fervently devoted to Nanda's son, devoted birth after birth
इति श्रीमद शंकराचार्यकृतं श्रीकृष्णाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम्

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Shri Krishna Kripa Kataksha

भजे व्रजैकमण्डनं समस्तपापखण्डनं
स्वभक्तचित्तरंजनं सदैव नन्दनन्दनम् |
सुपिच्छगुच्छमस्तकं सुनादवेणुहस्तकं
अनंगरंगसागरं नमामि कृष्णनागरम् || १ ||
I worship the unique ornament of Vraja,Who smashes everyone's sins,

Who pleases the hearts of his own devotees,Who is always the son of Nanda,

Whose head is adorned with nice peacock feather,Whu holds a sweet-sounding flute,
Who is an ocean of amorous dalliances...I bow to Krishna the Paramour..........

मनोजगर्वमोचनं विशाललोललोचनं
विधूतगोपशोचनं नमामि पद्मलोचनम् |
करारविन्दभूधरं स्मितावलोकसुन्दरं
महेन्द्रमानदारणं नमामि कृष्णावारणम् || २ ||
 I offer my respectful obeisances to lotus-eyed Lord Krsna, who frees Kamadeva of his pride, whose large eyes are very restless, and who shakes away the gopas' sadness. I offer my respectful obeisances to dark Lord Krsna, whose lotus hand lifted Govardhana Hill, whose smiling glance is charming, and who ripped Indra's pride into shreds.

कदम्बसूनकुण्डलं सुचारुगण्डमण्डलं
व्रजांगनैकवल्लभं नमामि कृष्णदुर्लभम् |
यशोदया समोदया सगोपया सनन्दया
युतं सुखैकदायकं नमामि गोपनायकम् || ३ ||
 I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Krsna, who is difficult to attain, who wears a kadamba-flower earring, the circle of whose cheeks is very charming, and who is the only beloved of Vraja's girls. I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Krsna, who is a playful cowherd boy, and who, in the company of YasodaNanda, and the gopa people, enjoys pastimes that delight them all.
सदैव पादपंकजं मदीय मानसे निजं
दधानमुक्तमालकं नमामि नन्दबालकम् |
समस्तदोषशोषणं समस्तलोकपोषणं
समस्तगोपमानसं नमामि नन्दलालसम् || ४ ||
 I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Krsna, who is Nanda's small boy, and who eternally places His kunkuma-anointed lotus-feet in my heart. I offer my respectful obeisances to cheerful Lord Krsna, who dries up all faults, makes all worlds prosper, and stays in the thoughts of all the gopa people.

To be continued......